Wednesday 30 July 2008


Today we tarvelled to Kuching. Leaving the Jungle behind was with mixed feelings, the airport (yes) in the jungle would appear to have been furnished to the same high standards as the lodge, and frankly looked like someone built it and the used a star-trek transporter to send it there!

So, a brief fokker 50 twin prop flight later, and we found ourselves back in miri, followed by an equally short 1hr flight to the meropolis of Kuching. Not a lot of time remained today for sightseeing, but we did manage a walk along the riverfront and watched the sun go down.

A small departure was made from asain cuisine tonight, with a visit to the local Lebanese restaurant, as well as a much needed laundry stop for some (but not others - watch out parents!) Martyn and Kay sealed their smelly jungle clothing into a handy drybag which will be labelled biohazard on the return trip I think!

Thanks for all your comments, we shall resume the public dinnertime shaming again from now on.

The picture today shows Jack and Kay performing the 'Leach Walk' - a bizarre gait developed by Jack during the Jungle segment, that apparently deters leaches and creepy crawlies from touching his legs.


sian said...

Hi Simon
I hope you were one of those who washed clothes in Kuching !!!!Did you take any boxers with you your drawer at home seems very full ?
Your mates all came round last ,thy are missing but nice they came to us as well. Make the most of the last few days !

sue patey said...

Hi everyone
Hope you have done some washing Vicky!! You know how the washing machine works any way...........
How many leeches did you find???
Not much going on here; still can't drive which is really getting to me at the moment.
Ben is of to NY soon; let's hope he brings back lots of pressies!!!
lots of love

Grace said...

Hey Rhea,
Mum and I are back from Brum now and all is well! Is lovely to catch up with all your jungle adventures it sounds absolutely amazing, Just don't bring any leeches back with you please :)!
Looks like you've had your fair share of rain, flat got flooded in brum and we couldn't find anywhere to eat because kitchens were closed due to floods. Mum looked great paddling through the streets in flip flops and cut offs hehe!
No photos, though have a few of my new home, hopefully you can come and visit me this year as its not so much of a health hazard as digs last year!
Really looking forward to seeing you when you come home and can't wait to see all your war wounds, maybe we should compare :P!
Trust you were one whos washed your clothes, mum has enough laundry with me being home, how are james and everyone?
Would like to see you in a photo at some point!
lots of love
Grace, Mum and Dad
P.s B&B are missing you!

Craigy Baby said...

It's nice to have the posts back!
Enjoy the last few days you've got left there now Lauren!
I look forward to hearing all your stories from over there, I wanna know all the scary animals you've seen lol.
I'm sorry I won't be there to see when you get back on Sunday, but at least we've got your birthday and holiday to look forward to really soon!
Have fun and take care,
I love you -Craig xxxxxxxxxxxx

Ben said...

Seem's your all having an amazing time, and seeing some truly great sights.

hope your not having too much trouble dealing with the jungle and creepy crawlies Viki. did you wear a pedometer on the waya round the jungle? see how many steps it took with......slightly smaller legs? lol

missing you loads Viki!

Grace said...

Hi Rhea (having to use Grace's bloc a/c as ours is defunked
All well here. Grace has had a lazy day after all the activities earlier in the week. Cannot believe 2moro is your last night in Borneo - it now seems to have gone really quickly. How was the tuak? And did the sarong hold up!? Have a wonderful last night a good flight home and we can't wait to see you but we shall miss all the blog updates - tyou all for this!
LoL xxxxxx